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Day 3. Topic and groups

The idea is to create the groups choosing first the topic they care most and then making groups that will have the same worries ab out the topic choosen. To do that I made that worksheet.

In the first side they have an introduction, objectives and the explanation about task 0 (the Megamural task). We read this part in BG before we started working in the megamural task. I have realised that most of them didn't read it carefuly and the megamural task was really tought.

Anyway, second chances apart, in the oder side of the paper they have task 1: They have to choose a topic: WATER SCARCITY, LOSS OF BIODIVERSITY, LITTER, AIR POLLUTION, GLOBAL WARMING. Then they have to say why. And after that they have to link this topic with the Global Goals for a Sustainable Development in 2030.

Tachers's control point

After that we make the groups. And then they have to write the name of their team members and what they espect from them. Its important to do that to make the team work well. At the end they can review the espectations and can evaluate if their team has worked well or not.

When the groups are done I give them the team dossier. The first thing they have to do is to put all the information of task 1 in common. That means that they have to discus wich Global Goals are working with their topic and what their mates espect from them.

When they finish they can start task 2 that means planning and get information about the topic and think about the campaign.

I realised that it was something missing in the team dossier: I putted a resum table of the topic as you can see in the picture.

The second line says WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT IT (the topic)? and I think its important to put WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW as well.

This would be better acording to learning process "Previous ideas exploration" and more useful to the students. I have to change that!

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